
PTA to Block All Unregistered IPs to Curb Grey Telephony

With an aim to eliminate grey traffic, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) today announced that it will block all unregistered IPs ... thumbnail 1 summary
With an aim to eliminate grey traffic, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) today announced that it will block all unregistered IPs carrying voice telephony.
A statement issued by the regulator said that all IP addresses which are not registered with PTA – and carrying voice packets — would be considered as black listed IPs and shall be blocked with immediate effect.
IP addresses of authorized telecom users like Call Centers, Video Conferencing etc. are being whitelisted in the monitoring system. It is therefore advised to all the companies authorized to bring international incoming calls to Pakistan to get their IP addresses whitelisted by contacting PTA immediately.
White listing of IP addresses by the authorized users/companies would help them use the services without any interruption.
If IP addresses are not reported to PTA for whitelisting as per the prescribed procedure, they would be blocked without any further notice. Moreover, legal action would be initiated against the companies involved in use of IP addresses for termination of any sort of international incoming calls as per provision of laws of Pakistan.
For any clarification or assistance for whitelisting of IP addresses for legal voice / video services, Director (Vigilance) of PTA can be contacted at
It merits mentioning here that PTA recently deployed Grey Traffic Monitoring System which keeps a check on International Internet Protocol (IP) bandwidth to detect and block illegal International incoming voice calls.

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