Google’s homepage for its Malaysian ccTLD (Country-code Top Level Domain), i.e. and got hacked today by Pakistani hackers.
The group called MadLeets has accepted the responsibility of this major defacement through a message shown on Google’s home page for Malaysia.
Apparently the hackers DNS poisoned the domains and redirected them to their own web-server. Both the domains were hacked till the filing of this report.
Google hadn’t updated the DNS for the domains till the filing of this report. After DNS updation, domains will still remain inaccessible (or defaced) as name server propagation takes some time (from few minutes to 24 hours).
Both the websites are to remain defaced till the original DNS are propogated across the web, which is likely to take at least 10-12 hours.
It maybe recalled that a Turkish hacker had hacked Google Pakistan and 300 other Pakistani domains using the same technique.
Here is the message left on defaced page:
The group called MadLeets has accepted the responsibility of this major defacement through a message shown on Google’s home page for Malaysia.
Apparently the hackers DNS poisoned the domains and redirected them to their own web-server. Both the domains were hacked till the filing of this report.
Google hadn’t updated the DNS for the domains till the filing of this report. After DNS updation, domains will still remain inaccessible (or defaced) as name server propagation takes some time (from few minutes to 24 hours).
Both the websites are to remain defaced till the original DNS are propogated across the web, which is likely to take at least 10-12 hours.
It maybe recalled that a Turkish hacker had hacked Google Pakistan and 300 other Pakistani domains using the same technique.
Here is the message left on defaced page:
Check below the screenshot of hacked Google Malaysia:Google Malaysia STAMPED by PAKISTANI LEETSWe are TeaM MADLEETSH4x0r HuSY – KhantastiC HaXor – H4x0rL1f3 – InvectuS – Shadow008 – r00x – Don – MindCracker – Dr.Z0mbie – phpBuGz – MaD GirL
MaDCoDe – Sn!p3r_GS – DeXter – Neo Haxor – Darksnipper – Pain006 – b0x – R3DL0F – Sahrawi – 3thicaln00b – Hmei7 – MakMan – Sniffer – AL.MaX HaCkEr – Ch3rn0by1
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=======================Pakistan Zindabad
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